
You are here: Home / Services / Environmental Certifications / Ecolabel

The Ecolabel trademark is the environmental label of the European Community. It is a voluntary trademark which promotes environmental excellence of products and services. Ecolabel helps to identify those products and services with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle,  from the raw materials extraction to the production, use and disposal. In order to obtain this ecological quality trademark, a product or service needs to comply with the requirements set by the criteria at the european level for that category of products.


Ecolabel is an environmental label of type 1, a declaration following the voluntary programme which gives the general terms and performance limits to be respected in order to obtain this trademark. According to the procedure scheme, the trademark is given by a Committee after the technical verification of ISPRA.  


This trademark gives a competitive advantage to the producer, because of the added value of the product connected with the enhanced market visibility and the expansion of the target customers.  The trademark placed on the products is a distinctive element, a synonym of performance and environmental quality, recognised all over Europe.


We target this service to companies delivering a product or service. We offer our consultancy in the preparation of studies to obtain the Ecolabel trademark, in undergoing the verification process from a third party and in keeping the trademark.