Environmental Certification

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Environmental certifications are useful for an improved communication and transparency, as they allow to give information on those organisations which, voluntarily, decide to declare their environmental performance or their level of compliance with environmental standards in respect to their production process or to the life cycle of their product or service. 

The environmental certifications guarantee the environmental commitment of the organisations which decide to undertake and complete the certification process.

The most important certifications are: Environmental Product Declaration, Carbon Footprint, Water Footprint, Cradle to Cradel, Ecolabel and Viva Sustainable Wine.

The environmental labels are born to easily communicate the environmental performance of products and services to customers, through information which are correct, coherent and verifiable. 

Three types of labels exist: ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT TRADEMARKS (ISO 14024:2001), defined as environmental labels of type 1, for example Ecolabel, ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT SELF-DECLARATION (ISO 14021:2002), defined as environmental labels of type 2, for example how much waste can be recycled, ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATIONS (ISO 14025:2006) defined as environmental labels of type 3, for example the Environmental Product Declaration EPD.